Website Updates 12-9-2019

There’s only a few more weeks left to the year. The website has been live for a little 3 months and has garnered 4,000+ views. Thanks to everyone who had taken a moment to check out the site, and hopefully you’ve enjoyed the content so far.

These next few weeks will be busy for me. Many of you know I have been working on getting my EMS Basic license, well the testing for that will be this weekend. If all goes well I’ll start running with the local volunteer ambulance service. Couple that with holiday preparations and my time is becoming extremely limited. There will likely be only a few updates between now and the end of the year.

Last week we did make some time to take a deep dive into some of the popular new cartridges on the market. What they are, why they exist, and a deep look as to whether or not they really are any better than what already exists. You can read that write up here:

Why a New Cartridge?

As I mentioned at the end of the write up, this was a fun article to write and I may do similar write ups in the future. Sometimes it can be hard to cut through the marketing hype to understand what a new cartridge does, we’ll try to make sense of it in these write ups.

As always, if you have comments, questions, or suggestions feel free to email me at or check us out on Facebook. Thanks for being a subscriber!

The Ballistic Assistant