Website Updates 1-11-2021

What a week it has been. My goodness, I for one was hoping 2021 would settle things down a bit, but alas it seems there is a few more parting shots to be had. I have been sorely tempted to do some form of write up on my thoughts on what took place over the last week but have not been able to find the right words. I will leave it at this, as an ardent supporter of the Constitution, I do not believe the individuals responsible for the sacking of the Capital were justified in doing so, and I believe what they did will ultimately be used as the impetus for further curtailing of civil liberties. This is deeply troubling to me. Enough said.

For our book highlight of the week, we have The ABC’s of Reloading. I own a copy of the 8th Edition and have written my thoughts based on that, there is a 9th Edition available. I do not know how the two editions differ but either way, it is a worth adding to your library. Especially if you are looking at getting into reloading for the first time.  You can check out the write up here: Thoughts On -The ABC’s of Reloading

Clicking on the photo will take you to to purchase the book. A small portion of the sale will help support the site at no cost to you.

As I was doing some research for the 303 British write up, I stumbled on There is some good information here on wildcat, obsolete and rare cartridges. This includes images and information regarding headstamps. In doing some exploring on the website, I found a link to which is a membership site dedicated to the collecting of ammunition and cartridges, however much of the information requires a subscription to access.  

We have added a new reference to the site, this is the SAAMI Pistol Cartridge Catalog. Here we list out the Pistol Cartridges Recognized by SAAMI, provide the SAAMI Print, and a quick summery for each cartridge. The aim of this is to make it an easy reference. I plan on doing something similar for Rifles, Shotguns and Rimfire in the future. We may expand on these catalogs in the future.

The last piece of content we added to the site was a write up regarding the 303 British. This storied cartridge makes my list of favorite cartridges. I was introduced to this cartridge when I bought my first rifle and have developed a fondness for it. You can read my thoughts on it here: 303 British.

We have continued to make some progress on finishing up the Pistol & Shotgun Smokeless Catalog. I have a bit more to do in order to get things completely wrapped up, I’ll continue to work on it, and hope to have it completely finished before the end of the month.

That is all I for the updates this week. As always if you are looking to get in touch, best way is to send me an email You may check us out on Parler, Facebook, Instagram, MeWe, and Reddit If you’d like to submit a load to our load database the instructions are here.

Stay Safe Out There!

The Ballistic Assistant