Website Update 5-25-2020

I’m always a little bit unsure how to address Memorial Day. It feels odd, to say “Happy” Memorial day, as it really shouldn’t be a day of happiness. Rather I feel it should be a day of somber remembrance, and while most of America see’s it as a day marking the end of winter, I see it as a day to be thankful for those who given all.

This past week we continued to make progress on a few project. We tried making our own homemade sizing lubricant. This is a mix of Lanolin, Castor oil, and some isopropyl alcohol. I’ve already tried it, and can say it works quite well. Here’s the write up on what we did.

Homemade Case and Bullet Lube

There is some work to finished up this write up, look for the conclusion this week. That also goes for the work we did polishing the Lee sizing die. These projects really were a two prong approach as solving our sizing die issues. Both projects are wrapped up, so I’ll be posting the results this week.

In other news, I have taken on a new job, at a new mining company doing the same type of stuff I did for the previous mining company. The unfortunate thing is that much of my free time I have been using to maintain the site is about to go away. I’m going to have to figure out how to balance the time at the new job and continue pushing forward and write ups that I’ve been working on.

I’ll continue to try and meet the goal of some sort of write up once per week. Stick with it, we have lots of stuff we’ve been working on and I haven’t abandon any of it.

As always if you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me at You can also check us out on Facebook, or at Instagram.

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The Ballistic Assistant