I’ve been working on several updates to the site. There is a new Facebook Group that is dedicated to the website. Please check it out here.
The VZ-58 Build has a couple new updates check those out below:
VZ-58: Purchasing the Parts Kit and Receiver
VZ-58: Disassembly of the Receiver Stub
VZ-58: Making the Barrel Legal
We’ve added the “What’s New Page” for posting of website updates so returning visitors can find the new stuff faster.
Updated the website header with some new photos of high speed stop action photography. New every time someone visits they should be greeted with a new photo.
Worked on adding menus to the site. Tried to better organize the Ballistic Write Ups by Topic.
Added a website emblem so and figured out how to get rid of the temp URL.
Continuing to learn WordPress and trying to figure out this Online Stuff.