The Ballistic Assistant Webpage is intended to be a resource for those who love the science of internal ballistics. The website is specifically focused on providing information and background to those who are like-minded or are involved in the art of ammunition development. Whether it be powder, primers, brass, barrels, or various SAAMI/CIP standards, eventually we aim to have it all covered here.
Who is the Administrator?

My name is Jay Andrew, and I am the admin for the page. I have a strong background in developing hand loads for both my personal rifles and pistols. I am one of the few fortunate souls who were able to take a hobby and get a job at a premier ammunition company. I took a break from shooting sports and work in mining for a few years, which afforded me the time to develop this website.
During my time in Research and Development, I learn more about internal ballistics than I ever knew existed. I developed a passion for science, and want to share that with others who may have similar interests. In the Spring of 2021, I returned to the shooting industry being hired by Creedmoor Sports as a Senior Technical Product Expert, and spend quite a bit of time developing and testing new products along with providing customer support. Some day I hope to have my own small-scale ballistic lab where I can continue testing and producing information for the commercial and hobby handloader.
I strive to present accurate, up to date and correct information here on the site. However, I am far from perfect, where possible I will list sources, and where mistakes are made I will correct them. If you discover a mistake or you are able to provide more information, please contact me at the email address below.
A Brief Disclaimer
As with all things relating to Firearms and Ammunition, there is a degree of risk associated. Your loads are your responsibility. You have the responsibility to yourself, your family, and those around you, to develop safe loads. This means following published guidelines from powder manufacturers and bullet makers. Do not use data published on this website as your sole source of load information, some loads may not be safe to use in all firearms. It is your responsibility and yours alone to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and others.
Any comments or opinions on this website are my own and do not reflect that of my employer or any other organization.
For Questions, Corrections, or General Comments please email us at: