It’s the last Monday in October. Boy has this year flown by.
Last week was a busy week for me, we’ve been working on the design evaluation and redesign of the 3D printer before we start making chips. Here’s a write up covering that:
For those who are interested more in the manufacturing of ammunition, we kicked off a series of write ups on Variation. This one is an introduction to much of the terminology and measurements use to quantify variation within a data set.
A few months ago I built some tooling for my bullet swage press. I’m was not happy with how rough some of it turned out, so I am rebuilding the tooling so it has a little more polished look. I’ve shared the design, and my build process here.
Thanks for taking the time to subscribe. You may have noticed there’s a lot of frying pans in the fire, which is good. It allows me to work on a few different things while I wait for parts to arrive.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the website feel free to reach out. My email is, but you can also check us out at The Ballistic Assistant Facebook page.
Good Monday Morning! Hard to believe we are almost through October!
We have had a busy week. I’ve been able to get a lot of work done on the VZ-58 Build. I am at the point where I am waiting on some parts to come in. As I get those parts in I’ll continue to share how that build is going. We are on the tail end of things and I am anxious to get out an put some rounds down range!
Since we are wrapping up on the VZ-58 I will be kicking off a few more projects. These are projects that have sat on the back burner for a few years. I’ll be working on them as time and money allows. You’ll find these projects under the projects menu on the home page.
There’s been a lot of focus on the VZ and other projects, but I do not want that to detract from the main theme of the site, looking at internal ballistics. I’ve debated on several ways to try and kick this off, here’s what I came up with as a general overview.
If you’d like to know the general process from load conception to product release, this is the article for you. This will also introduce the testing that is conducted as part of the Load Development Process. There will be more Write Ups on each test later, so look at this as an introduction.
All of the write ups that pertain to developing a load for the commercial market will be found under this menu option:
Thanks again for subscribing! If you haven’t already join the conversation over at Facebook. Our page can be found here. As always if you have an corrections, concerns or questions feel free to email me at
If you have read the previous article you will know that I pressed the receiver on the barrel, and I mentioned there were some issues. Here’s the the problem and what I ended up doing to fix it. Hopefully you won’t run into this on your build but if you do, hopefully you are able to avoid the pitfalls I ran into.
When I pressed the receiver onto the barrel I had installed the bolt, the locking lugs, and the Go Headspace gage. What I didn’t realize is that the lugs we not fully locked. This resulted pressing in the barrel too deep. When the bolt was closed the locking lugs dropped but only about 1/16″ of an inch. The issue became apparent when I installed the bolt carrier. It would not close all the way.
This is how far the bolt carrier would close, this is not what we want.
I don’t have any dykem on hand, so I used a sharpie to check the lug engagement. At this point my assumption was that reason the bolt was not closing all the way, was the locking lugs we not dropping into place.
The “Rub Marks” are the extend of the lug engagement.
At the time it seem reasonably that only a little material needed to be removed from the receiver to get the lugs to fully drop into place. I had hoped that a little polishing would be all it would take to resolve the issue.
The two surfaces circled in blue are where the locking lugs drop into the receiver. This is where I has hoped a little polishing would help drop the lugs into place and allow the bolt to close.
I worked the stone across the contact points regularly checking my progress. There was no change. So I did the next logical thing, got a better abrasive to remove material a little faster.
The lug file has to safe edges and a very fine cut.
I carefully ran a few swipes across the receiver. I wanted to remove as little material as possible and get the action to close. There was no progress made. At this point I stepped back and reassessed what I was doing. Once the material is removed, it is very hard to put back. With this receiver costing ~$440 I didn’t want to risk permanently damaging the receiver.
I slowly worked the bolt back and forth and tried to determine where the hold up was. Well I figured it out, and it had nothing to do with the locking lugs. The bolt face was making contact with the breech of the barrel bringing the whole assembly to a stop. Yes, we could insert the headspace gages and we would find that the Go Gage slipped in, and the No-Go gage set the bolt back a little preventing the lugs from dropping at all.
There was only one way to fix this. I had to slowly press the barrel back until the distance was correct. This was the one thing I did not really want to do. I did not have a good way to press that barrel out. What I ended up coming up with, I’m not proud of, but remember, I am doing this build for myself and not for anyone else.
This honestly made me nervous the whole time I was doing it.
Slowly applied pressure until I was able to observe the barrel move, took it out of the fixture and check the action.
The action fully close with the Go gage inserted. This is how it should have turned out the first time around. The action will not close on a No-Go gage. The Go Gage is sitting in the foreground.
Luckily my approach worked and by pushing the barrel out I was able to resolve the issue. The issue was never with the locking lugs and I regretted filing on the receiver. However I checked the action, and when a Go gage is inserted the action is tight with no play. I am confident that my ill advised attempt to stone/file down the lugs did not do any lasting damage.
This is how the locking lugs should look when the bolt is close and they have dropped in place.
Since I altered the lugs in the receiver I checked to see how evenly the contact was between the left and right lug. Again I used a Sharpie to mark up the lug and check for wear.
Based on this measurement the left lug has more contact then the right lug. You can see almost all of the lug is contacting the inside of the receiver.
In this case I stoned the left lug to bring it down and allow the right lug to make better contact with the receiver. The even support between lugs will equalize stress on the receiver and the lugs which will help reduce wear. I suspect these components will wear together and be mated during the “Break In Period” still I wanted to see if I could get it a little closer.
The lugs after a little work was done on the receiver.
I felt that I was able to make a bit of a difference. Plus I was able to polish up the surface, and hopefully that will reduce the potential for galling.
As I stated when I began this write up. This isn’t the ideal thing to do, had I not made the mistake that I did, we could have skipped all this together. However since I made the mistake, I suspect that others may too. This is how I corrected it.
The Ballistic Assistant has surpassed 1100 views! Last week I was just excited to get past 500. Thank you to everyone who’s been reading an enjoying the content. I hope it has been insightful and useful to you.
A few things of note;
I removed the Consulting Page from the site in order to not run afoul of a few forum rules that do not allow for commercial advertisement. Right now I feel it’s more important to build content and let people know of the website then to try and generate income.
I began EMT Classes to get my EMT Basic License. Here in Milford, Utah we have an all volunteer service. This service is paid, and while it’s not much, the pay I receive will be dedicated to maintaining the website, and funding the projects.
At the request of one of our readers I published a write up on how to use QuickLOAD for load development. If you want to see how close QuickLOAD is to real world testing, I’ve included the data in the write up.
We are about 1/2 through the VZ-58 Build. At this point I am beginning to look forward to see what the next firearm build is going to be. I am considering an Israeli FAL, or a AR 45 PCC. Is there a build you’d like to see? Let me know!
If you haven’t already, check us out on Facebook. We’d love to have discussions over the site content, and hear reader suggestions. Click here for our page.
Have we made errors or mistakes? I’m the writer, editor, and site manager, so I am bound to make lots of mistakes. Let me know! Shoot me an email at
Thanks for subscribing and being apart of this webpage!
This has been a busy week for us. Unfortunately it has not resulted in lots up updates on the website. We did get a few articles published hope to have a few more published this week.
The site has crossed over 700 views as of 10-7-2019. Given that I launched it a month ago, I am pretty glad I’ve be able to reach at least a few people in the last month. I hope the write ups and articles will be useful for people who are interested.
If you’re interested in propellants. We’ve kicked off a new series of write ups looking at smokeless propellants. I’ve broken out my microscope and camera to work through getting close up photos of propellants. I don’t have a system that I am 100% happy with so it’s a work in progress. Hopefully you will enjoy the photos.
For those who are looking to figure out how to assess the quality of their ammunition or looking to use a Statistical Approach to measuring ammunition we have began another series looking at Quality Assurance and Quality Control. This will include write ups on Six Sigma, as well as using Statistical Process Controls to measure, assess, and troubleshoot quality problems.
We receive the Head space gages for the VZ-58 Build this week. We are waiting on the barrel extension and muzzle brake for the barrel before we continue on with the build. I am working through the design of a fixture for pressing the barrel onto the receiver.
That is the update from the Ballistic Assistant. Thank you for taking the time to visit the site, and subscribing. If you like what you see, pass it along!
The Ballistic Assistant.
Check us out on Facebook! if you have any questions, corrections, or concerns feel free to email us at
We’ve added the “What’s New Page” for posting of website updates so returning visitors can find the new stuff faster.
Updated the website header with some new photos of high speed stop action photography. New every time someone visits they should be greeted with a new photo.
Worked on adding menus to the site. Tried to better organize the Ballistic Write Ups by Topic.
Added a website emblem so and figured out how to get rid of the temp URL.
Continuing to learn WordPress and trying to figure out this Online Stuff.