As previously mentioned one of the issues I have run into on my VZ-58 build is the tendency for the Trigger and Sear pins to walk out of place when firing. This problem is not unique to my build, as CNC Warrior offer trigger pins with an additional groove for an E-Clip.

I did some more searching online but wasn’t really satisfied with the aftermarket selection of pins. It wasn’t the price or the functionality, more the availability. So I decided to think of what I could do to solve the problem. I have access to a lathe, I could cut my own groove to accommodate an E-Clip, but I would need to purchase a grooving tool of the right width. If I was a proper gunsmith, and someone was paying me to do this job, then that is likely what I would have done.
After some more thought, I figured out a way to handle the job with the tools I had on hand.

With the reference mark scribed I needed a flat spot to drill through. I used a small file and filed a flat spot on the pin.

I used a 1/16 drill to drill a hole through the pin. I don’t have a lot of tools to work with small parts like this, so it was a bit of a trick to do.

The cotter pins I bought we about 17 cents each. Really can’t complain about that price, 17 cents and some elbow greases verses 5 bucks plus shipping, and an unknown wait time. These pins can stand to be trimmed down a bit, but we’ll do that after we’ve painted the receiver an are happy with the build.

Once the cotter pins were installed there was no walking or back and forth play to the pins at all. This was a cheap and easy fix. Yes, maybe not a professional fix, but for the hobbiest, its functional.