[2-16-2021] Printable Burn Rate Chart

Hi Jay, I’m a new subscriber. I work for a small ammunition manufacturer in PA. What originally led me to your site was your awesome powder burn rate chart. All of the powders that we use are on it. I have downloaded it but I can’t get it to print. Is that by design? I would like to print a copy for the lab here at work and one for my reloading at home. I enjoyed your newsletter. Keep it up. Larry H

Good Evening Larry,

Thanks for the email.  It’s not by design, at least not specifically to prevent printing. I formatted it so it would be seamless viewing on the website. I’ve attached a version of the chart formatted to print on 11×17 paper. This is probably the smallest size paper you can print it on and have it still remain legible. Someday I need to get it over to a large format plotter and make some poster size versions of this and offer them on the website, it’s on my to do list, but probably won’t happen for sometime. If you would like to do it, I’ll try and format it to accommodate.

Thanks for the kind words and for the subscription!


If you would like a 11×17 version of the Burn Rate Chart please email me and I’ll provide you with a PDF copy that is more printer friendly.